Working with InertiaJS

You can use InertiaJS to hydrate Vue components with data directly from a controller.

Install Apex charts using npm

npm install --save apexcharts

Install Vue 3 Adapter:

npm install --save vue3-apexcharts

Add Vue 3 to the app

Add the component to resources/js/app.js file:

import VueApexCharts from "vue3-apexcharts";


Add Vue 3 to the app with Laravel Breeze & Laravel Jetstream

import VueApexCharts from "vue3-apexcharts";

    resolve: (name) => require(`./Pages/${name}`),
    setup({ el, app, props, plugin }) {
        createApp({ render: () => h(app, props) })
            .mixin({ methods: { route } })

Create a chart with vue option

php artisan make:chart MonthlyUsersChart --vue

It would generate a chart class:

return $this->chart->areaChart()
    ->setTitle('Monthly Users')
    ->addArea('Active users', [10, 30, 25])
    ->addArea('Inactive users', [5, 15, 35])
    ->setColors(['#ffc63b', '#ff6384'])

Inject the chart and hydrate vue component with the chart

On any controller

public function index(MonthlyUsersChart $chart)
    return Inertia::render('Users/Index', ['chart' => $chart->build()]);

Render the chart on a Vue component

You can use options API:

        <apexchart :width="chart.width" :height="chart.height" :type="chart.type" :options="chart.options" :series="chart.series"></apexchart>

    export default {
        props: {
            chart: Object

Or choose composition API

        <apexchart :width="chart.width" :height="chart.height" :type="chart.type" :options="chart.options" :series="chart.series"></apexchart>

<script setup>
    const props = defineProps({
        chart: Object,

Integrations with other Javascript frameworks

You can return a response to a request with a chart object, to be consumed by any other Javascript framework like ReactJS, Angular or even vainilla JS by using the method toJson().

php artisan make:chart MonthlyUsersChart --json
return $this->chart->pieChart()
        \App\Models\User::where('id', '<=', 20)->count(),
        \App\Models\User::where('id', '>', 20)->count()
    ->setColors(['#ffc63b', '#ff6384'])
    ->setLabels(['Active users', 'Inactive users'])

return $chart;

The response would be:

                "name":"Physical sales",
                "name":"Digital sales",
        "title":{"text":"Sales during 2021."},
        "subtitle":{"text":"Physical sales vs Digital sales.","align":"left"},