Customizing charts

Change general chart colors schema

In your config/larapex-chart.php file, you can edit the colors array to customize the chart colors order.

'colors' => [
    '#008FFB', '#00E396', '#feb019', '#ff455f', '#775dd0', '#80effe',
    '#0077B5', '#ff6384', '#c9cbcf', '#0057ff', '00a9f4', '#2ccdc9', '#5e72e4'

The colors array only support hexadecimal values and as string.

Change chart colors dynamically

If the default config colors array does not reflect a specific need the package provides a method to add an array of colors on the fly:

return $this->chart->lineChart()
    ->setTitle('Sales during 2021.')
    ->setSubtitle('Physical sales vs Digital sales.')
    ->addData('Published posts', [4, 9, 5, 2, 1, 8])
    ->addData('Unpublished posts', [7, 2, 7, 2, 5, 4])
    ->setColors(['#ffc63b', '#ff6384'])
    ->setXAxis(['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June']);

The setColors method accepts an array with hexadecimal colors as strings.

Customize Fonts

The default font in the package is Helvetica, but you can customize font family and font color:

return $this->chart->lineChart()
    ->setTitle('Sales during 2021.')
    ->setSubtitle('Physical sales vs Digital sales.')
    ->addData('Published posts', [4, 9, 5, 2, 1, 8])
    ->addData('Unpublished posts', [7, 2, 7, 2, 5, 4])
    ->setColors(['#ffc63b', '#ff6384'])
    ->setXAxis(['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June'])
    ->setFontFamily('DM Sans')

Customize Chart Grid

The setGrid() method is available for:

  • Line charts
  • Area charts
  • Bar charts

You can customize the style of the grid, here an example:

return $this->chart->areaChart()
    ->setTitle('Sales during 2021.')
    ->setSubtitle('Physical sales vs Digital sales.')
    ->addData('Physical sales', [40, 93, 35, 42, 18, 82])
    ->addData('Digital sales', [70, 29, 77, 28, 55, 45])
    ->setXAxis(['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June'])

By adding just the setGrid() method it adds a default style that would be enough in many cases, but you can even customize more the grid by passing some params:

return $this->chart->areaChart()
    ->setTitle('Sales during 2021.')
    ->setSubtitle('Physical sales vs Digital sales.')
    ->addData('Physical sales', [40, 93, 35, 42, 18, 82])
    ->addData('Digital sales', [70, 29, 77, 28, 55, 45])
    ->setXAxis(['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June'])
    ->setGrid('#3F51B5', 0.1);

Customize Chart Markers

In this version you are able to customize the markers of every chart graph.

return $this->chart->areaChart()
    ->setTitle('Sales during 2021.')
    ->setSubtitle('Physical sales vs Digital sales.')
    ->addData('Physical sales', [40, 93, 35, 42, 18, 82])
    ->addData('Digital sales', [70, 29, 77, 28, 55, 45])
    ->setXAxis(['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June'])
    ->setGrid(false, '#3F51B5', 0.1)
    ->setColors(['#FFC107', '#303F9F'])
    ->setMarkers(['#FF5722', '#E040FB'], 7, 10);

Set Data Labels

You can add labels on chart markers to show all the time the value of every series of data.

return $this->chart->areaChart()
    ->setTitle('Sales during 2021.')
    ->setSubtitle('Physical sales vs Digital sales.')
    ->addData('Physical sales', [40, 93, 35, 42, 18, 82])
    ->addData('Digital sales', [70, 29, 77, 28, 55, 45])
    ->setXAxis(['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June'])
    ->setGrid(false, '#3F51B5', 0.1)
    ->setColors(['#FFC107', '#303F9F'])
    ->setMarkers(['#FF5722', '#E040FB'], 7, 10);

Set Sparkline

You can remove the X and Y Axes and grid to get a pretty clean chart (very popular for cards & little table charts).

return $this->chart->lineChart()
    ->addData('Published posts', [4, 9, 5, 2, 1, 8])